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Updated: 3 hours 55 min ago

Press release: Fairer school funding plan revealed

Mon, 07/03/2016 - 13:04
Plans for a national funding formula to ensure every school will have funding matched to need, to give every child an excellent education.

Speech: Nicky Morgan: end the demography of destiny

Sat, 05/03/2016 - 17:41
Secretary of State for Education to the Association of School and College Leaders Conference on providing educational excellence everywhere.

News story: UK to host 2017 International Summit on the Teaching Profession

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 16:01
Delegations from all over the world will head to Scotland next year as the UK and Scottish governments jointly host the event.

Press release: Government drive to help more children become confident readers

Thu, 03/03/2016 - 12:54
Schools Minister announces a series of ‘phonics roadshows’ to help schools share best practice.

Statement to Parliament: Publication of reformed GCSE and A level content for 2017

Tue, 01/03/2016 - 10:25
Statement by Minister of State for Schools Nick Gibb about GCSE, AS and A level subject content for teaching from 2017.

Press release: Proportion of young people in England NEET plunges to record low

Thu, 25/02/2016 - 13:30
Almost 100,000 fewer 16- to 24-year-olds classified as not in education, employment or training (NEET) compared to same period last year.

Speech: Nicky Morgan speech to the Association of Colleges

Thu, 25/02/2016 - 10:56
Education Secretary Nicky Morgan addresses college principals, vice principals and chairs of governors from the further education sector.

News story: Landmark education bill completes passage through Parliament

Wed, 24/02/2016 - 14:10
The Education and Adoption Bill has passed through Parliament.

Speech: A world-class education system for every child

Wed, 24/02/2016 - 11:49
Nicky Morgan speaks to education and business leaders about government reforms and her ambition to give children a world-class education.

News story: Primary school teacher assessment deadline changed

Fri, 19/02/2016 - 10:34
The Department for Education agrees to change the deadline for primary school teacher assessments for 2016 only.

News story: Five things you need to know about changes to primary assessment

Fri, 19/02/2016 - 10:34
An overview of upcoming changes being made to primary assessment.

Press release: £1.5 million to help young people spot signs of mental illness

Wed, 17/02/2016 - 10:41
Young people urged to help the government shape new peer support networks so they can talk openly about mental health.

News story: Consultation on a new child sexual exploitation definition

Mon, 15/02/2016 - 14:52
Government aims to provide clarity so all professionals are using the same definition of child sexual exploitation.

Press release: New classic books in schools initiative launched

Sat, 13/02/2016 - 00:15
Jane Eyre and Gulliver’s Travels will be some of the literary treats offered to schools thanks to Penguin and Schools Minister Nick Gibb.

Speech: Getting the basics right in mathematics

Fri, 12/02/2016 - 09:32
Schools Minister Nick Gibb speaks at Elmhurst Primary School about the importance of learning multiplication tables and number facts.